People10 Technologies, Inc.

DevOps Strategy and Roadmap for Continuous Delivery

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The DevOps methodology is worth considering to circumvent the drawbacks and restrictions of the conventional approach to software development and IT operations. Businesses that adopt this strategy may produce dependable and stable final goods more quickly and effectively.

DevOps, which stands for software development and operations, aims to bring them into harmony through the use of specific procedures, methods, and resources. DevOps is the most widely used software development process globally, based on statistics. And it makes perfect sense. In addition to speeding up the development life cycle and raising the caliber of final products, putting this strategy into practice helps close the gap between developers and end customers.

This blog discusses DevOps strategy, principles, tools, and best practices for continuous delivery.

What is Continuous Delivery?

A collection of guidelines and procedures known as Continuous Delivery (or CD) increases the speed at which software is delivered. Adoption increases team satisfaction, deployment rates, and ongoing process improvement. The best method for delivering software that we are aware of is Continuous Delivery.

Code updates are automatically prepared for production release via a Continuous Delivery pipeline. It utilizes automated testing, staging, and deployment workflows to expedite the development-to-production process and builds upon Continuous Integration (CI) to guarantee that code is always deployable.

Continuous Delivery helps developers and operational teams:

  • Reduce manual tasks
  • Get faster feedback loops
  • Continuously improve
  • Iterate faster

Benefits of Continuous Delivery

Some of the most appreciated advantages of continuous delivery are listed below:

Faster time to market

Faster software delivery cycles and an expedited time-to-market are made possible by the frequent integration, testing, and deployment of code changes with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD).
By providing users with new features and updates more quickly, organizations may stay ahead of the competition and react swiftly to market demands.

Early bug detection

Early in the development process, automated testing in the CI/CD pipeline aids in finding and fixing errors. By ensuring that new code changes are adequately verified, continuous testing lowers the possibility of serious problems occurring in production and improves the quality of software.

Enhanced cooperation

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) facilitates cooperation between development and operations teams by offering a common platform for continuous integration, testing, and deployment tasks.
Improved collaboration between development and operations teams can lead to more efficient processes, quicker problem-solving, and higher output.

Improved quality

Consistent quality standards are maintained throughout the development process thanks to automated tests and code reviews. By implementing code quality standards and identifying problems early, CI/CD reduces human error and raises the standard of the software that is provided.

Higher caliber

When automated technologies identify regressions in minutes, developers may focus on user research and higher-level testing tasks like exploratory, usability, performance, and security testing. By creating a deployment pipeline, these tasks can be completed continually throughout the delivery process, guaranteeing that quality is built into products and services from the beginning.

6 DevOps strategies for successful Continuous Delivery and Deployment

7 DevOps strategies for successful Continuous Delivery and Deployment

Development teams can benefit from implementing these crucial techniques before initiating continuous delivery and deployment activities, according to my experience using DevOps principles across multiple projects. You’ll improve your chances of success by doing this.


In today’s businesses, simply possessing the appropriate equipment and technology is insufficient. Most development shops will need to change their culture to successfully implement an agile, continuous delivery and deployment approach. Developers now have to accept full responsibility for the development, testing, and automation tools in addition to their code. Most importantly, they must incorporate operational capabilities into the pipeline to facilitate the transition to production. Getting the operations staff and developers to support this may take some time and training, but the effort is critical, and your projects won’t succeed without this.

Automation Platform

Carefully assess the tool you’ll employ for your continuous delivery pipeline because the current tools on the market have varied best use cases. For instance, you should use a solution that can phase the rollout according to test findings if you need to conduct A/B testing. You will need a tool with comprehensive release management features, such as good pipeline visualization and support for cloud environment management if your application needs several updates in a short period.

App Architecture

Make sure your apps are cloud-native in design. This is generally associated with microservices and containers and will enable you to independently and regularly update each service independently. A deployment pipeline typically consists of the following stages: build, unit testing, and integration testing (including functional testing), API testing, performance and staging, and then, finally, production. However, with microservice architectures and advanced deployment techniques, more and more customers are bypassing certain stages and testing in production, albeit in very contained production environments.

As part of the pipeline, each step may also involve the development of dynamic cloud environments that allow the stage to be deployed, run, and decommissioned. If you decide to do this, search for a solution that has several built-in cloud plugins so that you can quickly create and destroy environments in AWS, Google Cloud, and other clouds.

It is also necessary to specify the infrastructure stack and application for every microservice. This could comprise all configurations and policies; any associated services, such AWS Lambda functions; and the application Jar file, Docker file, or server image, like an AMI. An infrastructure-as-code manifest, which guarantees versioning, consistency, change auditing, and testing, should be used to manage all of these standards.


The common practice of waiting to evaluate security just before the production push is incorrect, even if security is essential in our age of growing dangers. As part of the DevOps CI/CD process, security ought to be automated and integrated into the pipeline itself. Validating the building pieces is crucial, but it shouldn’t take too long. Leading businesses, for instance, are automating security testing such as code scanning and template checking within the pipeline’s steps.

Delivery Strategies

Test automation is essential to pipeline delivery and design. Production failures will happen if the deployment process is not thoroughly tested with high-quality, fully automated tests. Code quality is no longer accurately represented by code coverage. To ensure that the test team approves and everything goes red in production, test cases and test suites in the cloud-native world must be linked to the intended functionality and business results. When time constraints preclude a thorough approach, automate the essential functions and processes first, then weigh the costs and benefits of automating more tests.

Make sure the environment and data used for testing and automation closely resemble the production environment and data. Before software is put into production, most pipelines go through a “pre-production” phase. Before deploying the software to production, you might think about developing several phases in several AWS regions.

Make sure your pipeline tool can handle multi-region deployments, including blue/green and canary deployments for server groups and clusters across AWS and other public infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) clouds if your objective is to update software in production often and without any downtime.

Monitoring and Feedback

Lastly, it is critical to have ongoing input from all phases of the life cycle—development, quality assurance, and production—on the technical metrics, response times, performance of critical business services, and user experience. You can only guarantee that there is no deterioration when you provide updates with this ongoing feedback. To analyze performance and make improvements earlier in the process, when it is considerably less expensive, this must also be incorporated into every stage of the pipeline.

5 DevOps principles of Continuous Delivery

Straightforward concepts are utilized by Continuous Delivery to assist firms to adopt it and stay focused on their application.

1. Include quality in

Software delivery typically places quality checks at the end of the production line, just like traditional manufacturing systems do.

However, quality may be neglected if it is positioned toward the end. This implies that you could:

  • Not become aware of an issue with your software or delivery procedures until the conclusion of a sprint
  • Spend time and energy on a futile endeavor.
  • Make the same mistakes over and over again without realizing it.

Rather, you ought to incorporate quality into your deployment process. This entails planning your deployment pipeline to identify errors at every stage. Try to reduce the amount of time that passes between introducing a problem and its discovery.

As soon as the issue is identified, either fix it entirely or upgrade your systems or processes to detect it earlier in the pipeline.

2. Work in small groups

Companies that don’t use Continuous Delivery provide updates in large batches to reduce downtime.

Although this seems like a safe and practical choice, there are numerous issues with it instead:

  • Developers have to adhere to deadlines and work within change windows.
  • The other modifications in its batch may not go live if one update is faulty.
  • It’s more difficult to determine which update causes an issue.
  • If you are unable to resolve it promptly, rollbacks may be a drawn-out procedure.

By contrast, if you work in smaller batches and sprints, you will:

  • Obtain quicker feedback on the efficacy of your deployment pipeline and your product.
  • Lower the possibility that an update will cause anything to break
  • Make it much simpler to roll back to an earlier version.
  • Boost your confidence in releases and their predictability.
  • Accelerate every stage of your pipeline.

3. Automate as much as you can

Humans are not very good at doing the same things over and over again. Humans are fallible. People grow bored or weary. Individuals become sidetracked.

On the other hand, computers excel at repeated jobs and can complete them as frequently as necessary—without stopping for coffee! This is why, if at all possible, you should automate things while using Continuous Delivery.

By automating, you give your employees more time to focus on human strengths like problem-solving, teamwork, and process improvement. As you prepare to implement Continuous Delivery, automate the following tasks as soon as you can using proven tools:

  • Compiling, testing, and merging code
  • Packing
  • As much of your deployment process as you can.

This will provide you with a solid foundation for further improvements to your deployment pipeline.

4. Constantly get better

Automation is a crucial component of process improvement, but it shouldn’t be your only priority. Additionally, there will be space for improvement in tasks that are already automated. Specifically, search for stages that slow down updates as they pass through your deployment pipeline or are superfluous.

For instance:

  • Is it possible to speed up an automated process?
  • Is it possible to automate or expedite the deployment of environments or infrastructure?
  • Do you still need an approval step if it causes your delivery to be delayed? If yes, is it possible to entirely or partially automate the approval process?
  • Do you still need something in your pipeline if it fails and has no impact on the delivery of your software?

Are there any tools that could enhance or expedite your procedures that you haven’t thought of? You should always be asking these kinds of questions and working to make your deployment pipeline and its processes better.

5. Everyone is accountable

One of the most crucial issues to solve while implementing Continuous Delivery and DevOps is workplace culture. Establishing a generative culture requires fostering an atmosphere in which team members:

  • Avoid silos and collaborate frequently.
  • Have a shared objective and accountability for the final output; feel free to take chances.
  • Don’t assign blame; instead, accept failure and mistakes as a necessary part of the process.
  • Feel free to express yourself openly and honestly.

Top Techniques for CI/CD Implementation in DevOps

Top Techniques for CI/CD Implementation in DevOps

Version control

  • Teams may collaborate, monitor changes, and roll back changes as needed by using a version control system like Git to manage code changes.
  • Use branching techniques such as GitFlow to help with feature isolation and concurrent development.

Automated development

  • Configure automated build procedures to compile, package, and get apps ready for deployment using well-known tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, or GitLab CI/CD implementation.
  • Define build pipelines that automatically initiate builds on code changes and offer feedback on build success or failure.

Continuous testing

  • Incorporate automated testing frameworks, such JUnit or Selenium, to run tests at every Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline step.
  • To verify the software’s functionality and performance, run end-to-end, integration, and unit tests.

Artifact repository

  • To store build artifacts and dependencies, create an artifact repository such as Nexus or Arti factory.
  • To guarantee dependable and consistent software builds across the development process, use dependency management.

Infrastructure as Code

  • Implement infrastructure as code (IaC) concepts by programmatically defining and allocating infrastructure resources using tools such as Terraform or AWS Cloud Formation.
  • Automate infrastructure environment generation and setup to guarantee reproducibility and consistency.

Deployment orchestration

  • To automate and manage containerized deployments, use deployment orchestration solutions such as Docker Swarm or Kubernetes.
  • To minimize downtime and lessen the impact of releases, use deployment techniques like canary releases or blue-green deployments.


Within the DevOps paradigm, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), is a crucial strategy that helps businesses release software more quickly, collaborate better, and produce higher-quality software. As is the case with most things in life, you get what you put into continuous delivery. Building and maintaining a successful continuous delivery pipeline requires DevOps teams to go above and beyond.

People10, as a leading DevOps service provider in the tech industry, specializes in CI/CD workflow implementation, guaranteeing effective and automated software development procedures. Organizations may take advantage of CI/CD’s advantages, embrace best practices, take important factors into account, and propel their software development projects to new levels of effectiveness, achievement, and creativity by collaborating with People10.

Transform Your Software Delivery with CI/CD

Partner with People10 to implement robust DevOps workflows and achieve seamless continuous delivery.


Kamal Chauhan
Director - Platform Delivery

Kamal Chauhan excels in DevOps and automation, focusing on infrastructure and application deployment solutions. He designs and implements automated deployment pipelines for diverse applications and sectors.

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