People10 Technologies, Inc.

Impact of ICT on Education Industry

I remember when someone spoke about technology around the early 1990s all I could think was of standalone applications that helped us in maintaining data. As things are progressing everything has become interconnected and with the help of latest technology we can learn anything everything on the go. Industries like education, finance, healthcare, entertainment, retail and more cannot think to run without technology.

If we look at the diversified industries where technology has played a major role, education is one such industry which has improved the knowledge delivery as a result of this advancement. As we all know it is so much more fun to learn about great historical battles or chemical experiments or mathematical equations when examples and illustrations are provided in a media-rich format, with plenty of interactive features. Here are some reasons why EduTech is the next big thing and how technology is changing the face of education industry at a rapid pace.

1) Different programs for different kids

I guess this is the most valuable change that technology could get in the education industry. It has not only made possible to come up with programs adjusted with the student’s needs but has also helped them to learn things at their own pace.

2) High resolution learning

“ENGAGMENT” plays an important role in anything we do. During the “Blackboard Chalk” time, teachers had a tough time in getting their students involved and engaged with the lessons. After that came the time of field trips to make the knowledge transfer more interactive and fun but all that changed when the delivery of lectures were done in a visually attractive format that included high-resolution photos and/or videos. This methodology made things more interactive and students got more engaged with their studies.

3) Digital education is more affordable

Use of digital technology in education has made knowledge sharing more convenient and affordable across the globe. With vast variety of MOOCs, knowledge via courses is available not only to the people who cannot afford it but also to the ones who do not have access to good schools and colleges in their areas.

4) Mobile learning is changing the game

Few years back e-learning was a rave in the education industry. With smartphones and tablets becoming an important tool for all of us m-learning is becoming the latest trend. Now students can access educational contents wherever they are, using the same device at home and in school. As a result of this we would see a flurry of awesome EduTech apps in the coming years.

5) Global market for EduTech products is huge

Lastly, this market has a huge potential as schools and universities across the globe are adopting tablets and smartphone for knowledge delivery. Considering there is a strong demand for e-learning and m-learning products in various languages, business opportunities will likely be available for local providers as much as for large global companies.

Learn more about the EduTech trends



Chief Operating Officer

A seasoned tech leader with 20+ years of experience, Nisha drives global business development and client relations at People10.

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