People10 Technologies, Inc.

Clutch Names People10 Technologies as India’s Leading Web Developer

Life without technology is seemingly unimaginable nowadays. Computers, phones, and tablets make our lives easier, even if we don’t want to admit it. The demand for work relating to technology is bigger than ever because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that includes web development. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics believes that the demand for web development will continue to grow in the coming years.

India is a rising force in the tech space, and People 10 Technologies has been a major player in the nation’s web development scene. Since 2011, our company has been transforming businesses through digital solutions and innovative product engineering. We are an award-winning agency that cares about your success.

Our company can be found on Clutch’s leading agencies list, and just recently, we’ve been recognized for our web development work.

Clutch is a B2B review and rating platform that publishes client reviews, market research, and data-driven content. The site is globally respected and recognized for its purpose of helping corporations and solution providers.

To be recognized by Clutch as Bengaluru’s leading web developer is massive for us. We are thrilled to receive this praise and we thank Clutch for being an awesome partner for our growth.

Moving forward, we also want to send our sincerest appreciation for our clients. Their feedback on our Clutch profile helped us reach this milestone. Their reviews fuel our team’s passion for this craft, and we are genuinely overwhelmed by their support.

“It was always clear that we were an important partner to them and that they wanted us to succeed in the long-term.” — Chief Information Officer, Insurance Provider

“We’re happy with the way they worked with us, and I’m pleased to recommend them to anyone who needs a similar service.” — CEO, Technomak Energy International

Similar to Clutch, you can also see our works at Visual Design, a visual portfolio site that features the best creative firms from around the world.

Want to know more about our services? Shoot us a message and let’s talk about how we can collaborate.

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