People10 Technologies, Inc.

People10 Joins Other Leading Service Providers in Support of Small and Medium Enterprises

Things have definitely been better in the world of business. With the economy on the rocks, increased costs of doing business at in-person locations, and fewer people out to patronize, the situation can sometimes seem pretty bleak. But for every lemon we’re being handed these days, there are business owners eager and able to make lemonade.

As a digital transformation provider, among some of our other roles, we’ve been excited to help out many of our clients through the transition to a fully remote setup. There are a number of advantages the internet provides during a global pandemic, chief among which is the simple ability to transfer your business online and thereby keep your revenue streams open.

For this reason, we’ve continued to work as hard as we can for our clients, making sure that they have everything they need to keep their businesses up and running. We see it as our way of doing our part to help as many people as possible make lemonade, and we’re proud of that work we do even without the recognition that we have received for it.

But we’re also grateful to our clients who have provided us with valuable feedback and ratings in these times. Review sites can be a really easy way for those without a lot of time or who are low on resources to help their favorite local businesses, and the benefits range from increased online legitimacy to potential increases in SEO.

To any businesses who have made the digital transition and are still struggling to draw in customers, or are attempting to weather the storm until customers can come back in: our best recommendation? Get your clients to leave reviews. For a lot of restaurants and other services, that will mean Yelp and Google reviews; for service providers like us, it means platforms like The Manifest, a B2B rating provider that highlights leading firms and agencies by conducting phone interviews with current and former clients.

In our most recent review, the CIO of an insurance company described the success of our partnership by saying that “Even when we ran into potential roadblocks, such as a delay in our initial time estimate for the project, their flexibility and collaborative attitude was a highlight. It was always clear that we were an important partner to them and that they wanted us to succeed in the long-term.”

People10 provides custom software development services in various technologies including mobile, web development, AI, and Machine learning. People10’s team of 200+ strong developers across India and the US are proficient in all leading technologies like .Net, Java, iOs, Android, React, PHP, DevOps, automation, and all other latest front-end, back-end and full-stack technologies. People10 experts make the best-extended team for any business either onshore or offshore.

If you’re looking for new ways to succeed as a business in the current climate, or just have a digital project you want to get off the ground, reach out to us! We think there’s a great chance we’re the right partner for you.

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