People10 Technologies, Inc.

How can Agile Development Transform Your Business?

Are you tired of seeing your company struggle to adapt to the market’s ever-changing needs? Do you think your team needs support in a slow-moving work culture?

If so, it’s time to shake things and adopt agile transformation. Agile completely changes how businesses operate and must produce results. The agile approach brings significant change in managing the team, process, and technology. The transformation strategy should closely align and further support the organization’s vision. Agile transformation gives organizations the ability to see the wider picture and helps them develop scalability.

According to Gartner, “Software development using the waterfall methodology will not be implemented to deliver digital business.” Agile development approaches will require a thorough understanding by all IT organizations. Adopting agile development necessitates significant organizational changes, which the CIO and the IT management team must firmly lead.

Why is agile software development popular?

Agile software development is becoming more and more popular because it can produce high-quality software. This cutting-edge approach benefits all types of development initiatives. Agile is very adaptable and guarantees that the full potential of your workforce is realized.

Moreover, complex and dynamic projects require quick turnaround times and demands that can change drastically, more and more industries are embracing Agile approaches. Industries like manufacturing, marketing, and finance increasingly recognize the value of Agile not just in software development, but in meeting client expectations, improving operational efficiency, and managing risks across various processes.

What are the benefits of agile software development for your business?

A recent study by Deloitte found that 75% of development teams would rather use Agile than any other methodology. This demonstrates the extent of Agile’s popularity, which stems from the practical benefits it provides to companies. The benefits consist of:

  1. Improved adaptability

Businesses can become more flexible through agile transformation, which is crucial given how quickly the business environment is changing. Businesses can react swiftly to changing market conditions, client demands, and emerging technologies by implementing agile practices. Agile teams are designed to be adaptable, cooperative, and iterative—qualities that enable them to make swift adjustments when needed. Businesses can maintain an advantage over their rivals by doing this.

  1. Quicker turnaround time

You need to develop a minimum viable product(MVP) before the final launch or service as soon as possible if you want to stay on top of the latest trends in software development and outperform your rivals. Among the main advantages of Agile software development is speed. Teams can work together more effectively and independently as they take on various project components at the same time.

  1. Significantly lower risks

Agile software development reduces uncertainty and risk. The continuous iterative process is directly responsible for this favorable result. Teams follow this proactive risk management strategy consistently throughout the entire Agile software development lifecycle.

As soon as the QA specialists and testers recognize possible hazards, they quickly create action plans. Developers can apply the fixes and continuously track system performance thanks to the iterative process. Various checklists can be used by teams to assess and rank high-priority risks. Consequently, companies can ascertain which strategies work and which don’t.

  1. Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is next on our list of benefits because it strongly focuses on continuously providing value to a product’s end users. Creating user stories, informal software requirements descriptions, and naturally curated, easily understandable specifications are some exciting ways to accomplish this. These narratives serve as the gold standards that a feature or product must achieve to be approved by users.

As previously stated, the iterative methodology guarantees the collection of feedback at an early stage of the software development process, enabling prompt modifications and alterations with end-user expectations.

  1. Increased efficiency and productivity

Agile’s pillars are cooperation and communication. Team members maintain constant communication with one another, which improves transparency and gives them the confidence to perform well in their roles by keeping the project statement and common goal front of mind.

As a result, there is increased transparency and goal clarity. It also becomes simple to manage Agile software development projects without overbearing oversight or micromanagement.

Different teams can work together easily in the Agile framework, and they respect the opinions of each team member. Team members can produce their best work thanks to increased transparency and collaboration, which ultimately gives customers exactly what they need when they need it.

  1. Fixed costs and schedule

One of the main advantages of Agile software is the predictability of costs and schedules.

Because each sprint has a specific time limit and clearly defined goals for your product, they are important in determining how your project will proceed. Your team has a structured method for finishing project tasks because they are aware of what needs to be done within this time limit.

As a result, it makes it easier for company executives to track software development expenses. As the project progresses, you can keep a careful eye on your budget thanks to the objectives and costs of each sprint. A degree of preparation and openness like this can help you gain the trust of stakeholders by demonstrating to them that you have a methodical and well-defined plan for accomplishing the objectives of the project.

  1. Higher ROI for businesses

Agile places a strong emphasis on ensuring customer satisfaction, so everyone is always focused on putting business value first. The product backlog is a reliable source of information for development teams when they need to deliver a high-quality, functional product on schedule. Through the systematic collection of user feedback, each sprint significantly improves the final product.

As a result, it is the product owner’s job to carefully prioritize and reprioritize the product backlog to maximize return on investment (ROI). This is a key distinction between Agile and traditional project management because Agile development’s advantages result in a higher and faster return on investment.

  1. Improved quality and innovation

Agile transformation can also assist companies in raising the caliber of their goods and services, which will stimulate innovation. Agile approaches emphasize experimentation and continuous improvement, which enables companies to swiftly detect and resolve quality-related problems as well as investigate novel concepts and solutions. Better goods and services, more innovation, and a competitive advantage in the market can result from this.

  1. Greater employee engagement and satisfaction

Employee satisfaction and engagement can benefit from agile transformation as well. Agile approaches place a higher priority on empowerment, autonomy, and collaboration, which results in a happier and more satisfying workplace. This may result in a more engaged and productive workforce, increased employee motivation, and higher retention rates.

How to successfully implement a business agility transformation

Agile principles are going to become increasingly important for DevOps solutions or any other, regardless of your industry. To get ready, here are 5 steps to follow to start flexible and adaptable agile.

  • Forming teams that drive agility

Empowering teams to be self-organizing and take initiative is key to achieving business agility. These teams should have the autonomy to make decisions and take responsibility for their actions, allowing them to respond quickly to changes and challenges. By delegating operational tasks to these agile teams, senior management can focus on higher-level strategic initiatives. Whether structured as functional or cross-functional teams, agile groups bring together diverse skill sets, enabling more efficient collaboration and innovation across the organization.

Functional teams can act as shared agile services, streamlining operations for multiple units. By working together and utilizing agile best practices, these teams effectively produce high-quality products, improving workflow processes and generating more value.

  • Reduce hierarchy levels

Large corporations that have experimented with and adopted agile methods of operation include Spotify, Amazon, and Google. They are well-known for “delaying,” or altering their top-down structure to a flatter one. A flat organization is not like a hierarchical pyramid with bosses at the top, but rather like a team where teams and leaders work together to achieve shared objectives.

There aren’t many tiers of management between employers and employees in a flat organization. Because there are fewer control layers in this structure, it can adapt to changes better, which is just one of its many advantages. Additionally, it increases workers’ accountability for their jobs.

  • Create a backlog

Your backlog, also referred to as a “queue,” is an exhaustive list of all the tasks you and your team have to complete. This aids in prioritizing your most important tasks and keeps you safe from unforeseen assignments that conflict with your ongoing workload.

  • Limit the number of active tasks

Work-in-progress (WIP) limitations are guidelines that help us avoid taking on too many projects at once. The idea is to focus on what we have ongoing, complete it, and then take on something new.

Marketers frequently take on excessive workloads, which results in multiple projects ongoing at the same time. The frequent switching causes longer project times as a result. It’s important to establish sensible boundaries for how much work you take on. Increased value, productivity, and stakeholder and customer satisfaction result from this.

  • Establish a culture of continuous improvement

Establish a culture that is always looking for ways to innovate and get better. It is critical to remain dedicated to meeting customer expectations and adapting to market changes through continuous improvements and adjustments during a business agility transformation. Make sure you can monitor your progress as you move forward on your agile journey. In this manner, you can base decisions on information that advances your company.


Taking advantage of Agile development’s benefits is a wise decision and a requirement. The rewards are clear, and organizations that fail to adapt might fall behind. At People10, we recognize how critical it is to embrace agility. Being a certified Agile software development company, we have the know-how and experience to enable your company to fully benefit from Agile.

Our experts bring a collaborative and iterative approach that aligns with your organizational goals, from the project roadmap through delivery and beyond. By partnering with us, you’re not just investing in software; you’re investing in a strategy that keeps your business competitive, adaptive, and primed for success in the digital age. Don’t wait longer and reach out to us and gear up for a continuous cycle of efficiency, and innovation.


Director- Software Delivery

Nandakumar excels in delivering diverse solutions from mobile apps to complex enterprise systems. At People10, he continues to drive success with a focus on customer satisfaction and innovative technology solutions.

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