People10 Technologies, Inc.

6 Reasons you should use Ruby on Rails for your Web Development

Ruby on Rails has become the framework of choice for a growing number of developers who favor lean startup and easy-to-read code. We have already read all the characteristics and advantages of Ruby in Ruby on Rails – The Popular platform for web development. Yes, Rails is cool and the next awesome language, but is it enterprise ready?

Yes, it indeed is. What sets Rails apart from the competition is a combination of properties like its dynamic approach, convention over configuration, do not repeat yourself (DRY), model view controller (MVC), active record patterns and behaviour driven development. Rails is structured particularly for web

application development and has many add-ons to take care of simple, but time consuming tasks. It helps in building interactive, responsive and content rich applications in less time hence reducing the time-to-market. It is predominantly loved by Agile developers who specialize in creating applications based on Lean Startup and MVP which can adapt to changing circumstances and client needs as the development goes ahead. Since it is open source, it is accessible and easy-to-learn and more enterprise ready than PHP. Rails is also built from Java, which is powerful but time-consuming to work with. Ease of deployment makes Rails a mainstream language for web development.

Reduce Time-to-Market – Rails is a framework in which most of the important decisions have already been made, so all you have to do is write what’s important – which is a lot less than you might think

Reduce Cost – It is open source and accessible which means that Rails developers are economic than Java programmers – typically by some 30-40% J

Increase Speed of Execution/transaction – It is not one of the fastest but fast enough. The good part is, if you want
to handle critical processes with another language in Ruby framework, you can do it keeping Rails for the front end, where is excels

Negligible Maintainability – Ruby’s concise and easy-to-read code facilitates clean coding. Its functionality of writing DRY code is a boon for maintenance. Also, it adopts the test-driven approach which constantly checks the code in development

Adaptability – Services like Heroku cloud platform provide scalability to Rails. It’s both horizontally scalable, i.e., it can easily handle more users with more servers and vertically, i.e., it can provide higher performance with a CDN – which is implemented with only a few lines of code.

Quality and sustainability for talent – People are attracted to Rails for its elegance and also the quality of developers is generally high.

So, Ruby on Rails is undoubtedly enterprise ready. Its versatility, elegant code and compressed development time makes it a serious contender not only for startups but also organizations of all sizes.


Chief Operating Officer

A seasoned tech leader with 20+ years of experience, Nisha drives global business development and client relations at People10.

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