People10 Technologies, Inc.

5 Key Questions Before Outsourcing Your Product Development

When you’re gearing up to launch a new product, choosing the right outsourcing product development partner can make or break your success. It’s easy to get caught up in the promises of cost savings and faster time-to-market, but without the right partner, your vision could be at risk. So how do you ensure you’re making the right choice?

You need to ask the right questions. These questions will not only help you gauge the technical expertise of your potential partner but will also reveal whether they share your vision and can work alongside you as a true collaborator. After all, outsourcing isn’t just about handing over work—it’s about building a partnership that supports your product’s success, from concept to launch.

Here are 5 essential questions that every company should ask before choosing an outsourcing partner for product development.

1. How will you work alongside me from concept to launch?

How will you work alongside me from concept to launch

The best outsourcing partners don’t just deliver what you ask for—they help bring your ideas to life. Start by asking how they’ll collaborate with you from the initial concept through to the market launch. Evaluate their ability to turn your product idea into a reality by asking them about their approach to wireframing, creating visual aids, and defining the minimum viable product (MVP). Also, consider their experience with rapid development frameworks that support fast and iterative deliveries, as well as their ability to integrate cloud and mobile solutions—key requirements in today’s market.

To get a clear picture, ask for examples of similar projects they’ve worked on and how they facilitated each stage of development. Their answers should demonstrate their capacity to not only execute your vision but enhance it with their expertise.

2. How do you ensure product quality from start to finish?

How do you ensure product quality from start to finish

Great product development requires more than just good code—it demands a commitment to quality at every step. Your potential partner should be able to articulate how they ensure high code quality, including their use of automated testing, continuous integration practices, and code quality metrics. But don’t stop there. Ask them about their philosophy on quality assurance and how they go beyond standard testing practices to deliver a product that meets the highest standards.

Inquire about the specific tools they use to maintain quality, from code analysis tools to testing automation frameworks. The answers will reveal whether they prioritize quality as a core part of their development process or simply treat it as an afterthought.

3. How will we collaborate across time zones and locations?

How will we collaborate across time zones and locations

Effective collaboration is the cornerstone of any successful outsourcing relationship, especially when working across different time zones. Your partner should be well-versed in agile practices and equipped with the right tools to support seamless communication and collaboration, no matter where your teams are located.

Ask about their specific infrastructure for project management, work allocation, and document sharing. Do they have robust tools for video conferencing and group meetings? Are they proficient in using continuous integration practices to ensure real-time collaboration on the code base? Make sure their approach to distributed teamwork aligns with your needs, ensuring that geographical barriers won’t hinder your progress.

4. How will you keep me updated on progress and involved in the process?

How will you keep me updated on progress and involved in the process

Transparency is critical in an outsourcing partnership, especially when it comes to project progress and the team working on your product. Gone are the days when offshore teams were hidden behind a project manager—today, clients expect full visibility into their projects.

Ask how the outsourcing partner will involve you throughout the process. Will you have direct access to team members? How often will you receive updates, and will you have real-time access to project management tools, code repositories, and quality reports? Your partner should be ready to offer complete transparency and involve you at every stage, allowing you to stay informed and make decisions as needed.

5. How do you protect my intellectual property (IP)?

How do you protect my intellectual property (IP)

Your product’s IP is one of your most valuable assets, and protecting it should be a top priority. Unfortunately, there are cases where development partners have claimed ownership of the IP or used it to create competitive products. To avoid this, make sure your partner’s role is clearly defined as the executor of your software, with no claims to the product’s IP.

Discuss how they handle IP protection, from legal agreements to the safeguards they put in place to ensure that your ideas remain yours. The contract should be airtight, clearly stating that you retain full ownership of the code and any related intellectual property.


Choosing the right outsourcing partner is about more than just finding someone who can write code. It’s about finding a collaborator who can walk with you through every stage of your product development, from the first wireframe to the final launch. By asking these five key questions, you’ll gain insight into their capabilities, their commitment to quality, and their dedication to protecting your ideas.

Ultimately, a great outsourcing partner will do more than just deliver a product—they’ll be an extension of your team, helping you achieve success on your terms. With the right questions, you can build a partnership that turns your vision into reality.


Director- Software Delivery

Nandakumar excels in delivering diverse solutions from mobile apps to complex enterprise systems. At People10, he continues to drive success with a focus on customer satisfaction and innovative technology solutions.

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